Holder: Hotel Brunner KG d. Brunner Franz
Seat: Giuseppe-Verdi Str. 31/a, 39012 Merano (BZ), South Tyrol, Italy
Phone: +39 0473 44 61 50
E-mail: info@hotel-brunner.it
Web: www.hotel-brunner.it
VAT id: IT00739450211
Commercial chamber: Bozen
Register number: BZ 123220
PEC: info@pec.hotel-brunner.it
Recipient Code: SUBM70N
QR-Code generation date: 7th February 2019
Profi Webmedia
Web: www.profi.it
© Hotel Brunner, © Tourismusverein Meran, © IDM: Alex Filz / Frieder Blickle / Tina Sturzenegger / Benjamin Pfitscher / Alex Moling / Patrick Schwienbacher / Pertoll Damian Lukas / Renè Riller / Bruno Klomfar / Jessica Preuhs / Mario Entero / Helmuth Rier / Angelika Schwarz / Andreas Marini / Marion Lafogler / Sissa Micheli / Paola Marcello / Georg Tappeiner / Michael Müller / Ernst Müller / Christian Gufler / Manuela Prossliner / Gionata Xerra / Oskar Dariz / Kim Andreolli / Laurin Moser / Udo Bernhart, © Therme Meran: DOCsrl, Manuel Kottersteger © Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff: Marion Gelmini, Freepik
Despite our attentive controls we assume no responsibility for information contained in any linked sites. The only responsible for the content of external sites are their holders.
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Fam. Brunner
Giuseppe-Verdi-Str. 31/a
39012 Merano, South Tyrol / Italy
Tel. +39 0473 446150